Someplace for me to write, and my family and friends to read, about what's going on with my life.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

December has arrived...

...and with it, rain. No snow yet, although there are a few days that have been close. It gets dark around 3:30 or 4:00, pitch black no later than 5:00. And there are still three weeks before the winter solstice. I will be celebrating the "birth of the sun" for sure this year. It is really hard to get up and go to work when it is still dark out, and come home when the sun is gone for the day. I'll have to make a point to get out of the office for a half hour or so every day.

I can't believe there is less than one month left in 2007. Where did the year go? About three weeks until Christmas, and I haven't done any shopping. Typical for me, although I should be mailing out packages by now, not thinking about shopping. So if you're reading, you might not get your gift until 2008. And Christmas cards? They probably won't get mailed out on time, either. I need to set aside an evening and sit down and write them. That evening should be tomorrow.

I've been thinking about my resolutions for 2008. I think the only one I will make is to start eating more whole foods, less processed stuff. I am doing better than I ever have in the past, but there is always room for improvement. The occasional frozen pizza or hot dog is fine, it has to be, we all get too busy to cook now and then. But those should be the exception, not a staple in our home.

Andre and I have booked tickets to the US in February. We will be going to Texas to celebrate my mom's friend's birthday, then spend about a week in California seeing family and friends, and then home again to Oslo.

Wednesday we are off to Kiel, Germany, for an overnight stay. I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures and share them here.